Music. The only language that needs no translation. It crosses race, sex, geography and more often than not carries the message of emotions.
It fuels nostalgia, memories and can even conjure up smells. Just one bar of a song and we can be transported in our minds...and we remember ALL the words.
That’s because the brain loves patterns. It loves rhymes and rhythms...and if you put a tune to it, you’re singing it all day right? Sometimes whether you want to or not 😂.
What a wonderful vehicle then to teach our children. From picking up their pants (free workshop in the link) to much deeper and more intentional messages, the language of music goes and stays in, like simply nothing else can to much deeper and more intentional messages, the language of music goes and stays in, like simply nothing else can.
And that's because the brain loves patterns. It loves chinking things up into rhymes and rhythms. But if you add in fun and make it a shared activity with a loving caregiver, this strengthens the neural pathways even more. It's like learning on steroids.
The age of competition is dead. The future of our planet is dependent on collaboration. Teamwork. And it's why I wrote Teamwork makes the Dreamwork. (It's also a rather nice little way of getting kids to do their chores.)
You can find Teamwork makes the Dreamwork on Spotify and all other major providers.