Welcome To The La La Tigers blog

A glorious collection of musings from founder and MaMa TIger, Rachel Davis. Because perspective is everything.

Practicing Love In The Face Of Fear


Growth can feel scary, but every single day we have the opportunity to come from a place of love instead of a place of fear. Make the choice, make the time.

Become the Parent You Want To Be

How to start owning your shizzle, so you don't pass it on to your kids.

Tuesday 1st February 12 noon GMT - 60 minutes

FREE live training for stressed out and overwhelmed parents of Under 7's, who want to reclaim their souls & raise awesome humans who know their worth.

Join my FREE webinar!

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!" - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Emotional Dysregulation Reframed


Emotional dysregulation in our kids and ourselves can show up as 'difficult' behaviour, early trauma leaves the body's nervous system constantly on alert for threat. Try changing your perception to see they/we are just having a difficult time instead.

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and inner strength to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join my FREE webinar!

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator



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Connection, not expectation


What's the feeling when you're triggered by your children, and where do you feel it?  Change involves really being tuned into our feelings and our mental processes, in order to release the negative and move into love.

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and inner strength to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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Early Trauma and Perception

Trauma can be a single event, or a series of events where you don't feel safe. It's the effect that it has on the body; the sympathetic nervous system, endocrine system, immune system and memory. It takes time to heal, the earlier we start, the better.


Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Were you brought up to be 'a good girl'?


Were you brought up to be 'a good girl', to inhibit your feelings, repress your self expression and constantly minimise yourself in order to get people to like you or not feel threatened by your confidence? This sets such a destructive precedent for our children. In order to break the chain of this conditioning it's vital that we're the model, not the mirror. We can show our children how to live to their fullest expression, and shine.

Sign up for our FREE training for parents of under 7s on Friday 3rd December 12 noon GMT

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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Confidence for our kids starts with us


Confidence is key to living our dreams - so what is it, how do we get it, and how do we instil it in our kids? Watch and deep dive into the need to stop minimising ourselves, to acknowledge our true feelings, and to wear that red lipstick or feathery earrings on the school run...because confidence starts with us (and you never know who you'll inspire just by being yourself)! 

Sign up for our FREE training for parents of under 7s on Friday 3rd December 12 noon GMT

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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Intentional Parenting

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2021
Parenting. It’s quite possibly the hardest thing you will ever do. And yet people are winging it, through no fault of their own.
Let’s face it, there’s no manual, is there? No barcode to scan on the back of your kids that tells you what to do when they’re kicking off. Or how to raise a confident child, who really believes in themselves. Instead we rely on outdated reactions and inherited methods of parenting, which are ingrained into our subconscious programming. Not understanding the generational trauma that is being handed down from one generation to another. We literally parent on autopilot. We are left to try and work it all out for ourselves, whilst we silently hope that despite it all, we don’t fuck our kids up forever.
But what if there was another way? What if you could parent in a way that feels freaking amazing? What if you could parent like a rockstar, in a way that leaves you knowing that there will be no regrets? No guilt?...
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Handling Children's Emotions

Children will copy how you deal with challenging emotions and situations, using that as a blueprint for how they handle things themselves. Are you modelling the mindset that you want to show them? What would you change? 

Want to know more? Join my FREE Coaching Series - The Art of Intentional Parenting, where I will share everything you need to know, to raise a wholehearted children who can live and love to their fullest expression.


"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!" 



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What Is Your Anxiety Trying To Tell You?

anxiety parenting Jun 28, 2021

Learn to see anxiety as grace. Your nightmares are your subconscious talking to you, giving you warning signs of what to inner blockages to overcome or what to steer clear of. It is the wisdom, our inner voice of knowing, when we learn to tune in and listen to it.

Want to know more? Join my FREE Coaching Series - The Art of Intentional Parenting, where I will share everything you need to know, to raise a wholehearted children who can live and love to their fullest expression.


"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!" 


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The Balance Between Parent-Child Relationships

 Children copy what you are, not what you say. They way you handle their emotions is going to become the blueprint for how they handle it themselves. The relationship balance changes when you change.

Want to know more? Join my FREE Coaching Series - The Art of Intentional Parenting, where I will share everything you need to know, to raise a wholehearted children who can live and love to their fullest expression.


"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!" 

Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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