Welcome To The La La Tigers blog

A glorious collection of musings from founder and MaMa TIger, Rachel Davis. Because perspective is everything.

Confidence is knowing mistakes are part of the learning process

Do you have low self esteem based on fear of failure?

Want to know how to boost your child’s confidence? Show them that failure and making mistakes are just a part of the learning process, and you will build their self esteem. In my programs for building confidence in children through music, I talk a lot about building confidence through being the model not the mirror. The aim is not to reflect back but to stand in our values and model the example to our children. See this as a challenge in your life and your parenting, you can and you will rise to it!



Building confidence

When Freddie Mercury sang ‘We Are The Champions’ he was saying in front of the whole world what he wanted. And nothing anyone ever created or achieved was gained without failure, perseverance, self-belief and by getting up each time you fall, and going again. Will you make mistakes? Yes. Will you fail big time? Yes.

The key is to find the gold in your...

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Do you catastrophise? Choose confidence instead!


Want to know how to boost your child’s self confidence?

You don’t learn to swim by thinking about drowning. You won’t build confidence by thinking about fear. Focusing yours and your child’s mind on the power you hold in any given scenario is the best way to empower yourselves, and give your child a confidence boost that lasts. Are you ready to change the way you see things forever and raise a wholehearted, confident child or confident children who can live and love to their fullest expression?




Do you catastrophise? Do you find yourself thinking ‘what if..’ and then listing all the potential negative outcomes in your head? This just sets your mind in a loop of fear-based thinking, lacking confidence, and low self esteem. As an adult and a parent you have a responsibility to shape your child’s mind, and to build their self-esteem, and give them the tools to continue to build their own self...

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Why your integrity as a parent is everything.


Have you heard the phrase "If you stand for nothing you'll fall for everything"? Our children are trying to expand and grow, and it's our job to be the container that shows them how to be true to yourself, and how to have healthy boundaries in life.

It's our job as a 
parent to be clear on what we stand for, and what we will tolerate in life, as a model for our children of how to stand and respond in alignment with our values and have radical response-ability. 

It’s time to empower ourselves and our children, and be the change, don't you know?



The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Installing the belief that you are worthy

Our belief systems (which drive our thoughts, which trigger emotions, that drive behaviour) are pretty much fully formed by the time of age seven. 

What if we flip the transformation and healing model around and start from birth?


What if we were being hugely intentional in order to create a lens that will create a positive self-image, and make sure that positive self-worth, positive self-belief is already installed?

That's why I work with parents of under-sevens, because this is where we have the most impact.


The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Is fear stopping you?


Fear of failure is what stops us every time; fear of stepping into your genius, fear that you won't be enough, and that's what it usually comes down to each and every time. 


What would you do if you weren't afraid, or if you felt the fear and did it anyway? What would you do differently if you were living in your fullest expression, and how different would your life look like if you were?

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Why Impatience Never Works


Anyone who pushes your buttons is your best teacher, they're showing you you don;t yet have mastery of self. 

Any energy that comes from impatience is never going to give you an outcome that you want in your life, or in your children. 

You can force your kids to do things, but those decisions made from impatienceare going to damage relationship and damage connection. They'll create negative feelings around those things you're trying to get them to do, and will create memories fro your children around those negative things. 

Childrens' emotional experiences are built into the architecture of their brain. It's why the things you remember the most are moments of complete joy, or stress and trauma, and mostly it's the traumatic moments that stick out for you.

It's our job as parents to give our children a childhood they don't need to recover from. 

Whe you make those decisions from an energy of impatience you're never going to end up with an outcome that you...

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Teach children to follow their joy

What do you want, for yourself and for your children? The old templates we're given for life from society's expectations do not generate happiness or define success. What's really important to you, and to your children? We need tools and teachings for kids to develop themselves mentally, spiritually, emotionally, to live whole-hearted lives. I invite you to teach children to find and follow their joy!

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator


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What would you say to your 6 year old self?


When did you stop playing and getting involved in things like you did as a kid? What would be possible for you if you didn't limit yourself according to the labels, naysayers, or the boxes people try to put you in? Can you imagine what you'd be capable of if you gave yourself permission?

I invite you to think about what would have been possible for you if you hadn't allowed other people to define you. Then see how that may be showing up in your parenting. In my programmes I allow parents to show up in a way that allows them and their children to truly shine with self-belief, and believe that they are enough. 

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Impatience steals the present


When we're stood in impatience, when we're in impatience, we're missing the most glorious opportunities in the present!
Those messy moments when you're trying to rush out of the door, they're all moments in your children's and your lives, that add up to the relationship. These early year moments and memories cannot be replaced, and believe me, you'll miss them when they're gone. 

You *can* find the connection in these moments instead...

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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Welcome your failure and stay open

Embrace your failure as a learning opportunity, practice a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. Life is a process, and a cycle of change and transformation. When something is finished and order appears, there's a natural progression towards the opposite, as nothing in life can stay static. The only moment we have is now

Choose to look for the gold and the gift in the challenging experiences.

Change your mindset, change your life. 

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator



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