Welcome To The La La Tigers blog

A glorious collection of musings from founder and MaMa TIger, Rachel Davis. Because perspective is everything.

Why your Child isn't Listening to You

Boundaries are so often missed when our children are young. We often see the result - and today we're focussing on listening - as a problem to fix when, in reality, you can stop it happening in the first place.

The only way that you'll get your child to really and truly listen to you is if you really and truly listen to them.

P.S. I have the most exciting pee your pants, never been made before offer to work with me that is going to blow your mind. If you want to be the first to find out AND take advantage of the ridiculous Early Bird offer then just fill in the short form from the link below

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Free Masterclass for Parents of under 7’s
How to start owning your shizzle so you don’t pass it on to your kids
Join NOW - The Art of Intentional Parenting
"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator
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Raising Wholehearted Children - Part Two

Welcome to Part 2 of my Raising Wholehearted Children series of blogs 

In this 4-part blog series, I want to share with you how I’ve learned to live deeply into my own truth, how I bring personal growth into my parenting and how I introduce these topics to children so that you can do the same.

If you missed the last juicy blog you can check it out here!

Raising Wholehearted Children Step 2: So let’s start by talking about actually setting an intention.
What I mean by your intention, is the outcome that you want to have for your relationship and what that actually looks like in the real world on a day to day basis.

Your values and intention will be different from anyone else’s, but that’s a good thing my friend,!

Everyone’s value system is different and the most important thing is that you are being true to YOU and what you hold dear, so that you can create a fulfilling relationship and a compass that will help to guide your child throughout their...

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Raising Wholehearted Children - Part One

Welcome to my Raising Wholehearted Children series of blogs! 

In this 4-part blog series, I want to share with you how I’ve learned to live deeply into my own truth and personal growth, how I bring this into my parenting and how I introduce these topics to my own children so that you can do the same.

The goal for the next 4 blogs is to help you take some simple and actionable steps to parent with more awareness and less overwhelm, so that you can build an incredible relationship with your child, based on mutual respect and understanding.

Now, as much as I’d love to say you’ll never lose your shizzle again, just by reading this series, that simply wouldn’t be true and isn’t something anyone can guarantee you. Even me.

But what I can guarantee you, however, is that these emails will help you put some things into perspective and help you in the creation of a solid foundation for your child that is best for you and your child.

For after all and in the...

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Is fear blocking you?

Overcoming your fears

When I look at my children all I can see is limitless potential. I can see everything they are going to be. But the thing that’s going to stop them, the one thing that’s going to stop them “becoming” who they’re meant to be and what they’re here for, is really simple…it’s fear. Fear. All fear is, when we break it down, it’s just a thought! Where does fear come from, what causes fear? It’s a thought that we’re not good enough. It’s a thought that I’m not worthy, it’s a thought that it’ll ever happen for me, it's a thought that it can happen for her but it’s not for me. All of these fears and judgements are things from our childhood and trapped emotions, from thought processes that we have had from childhood. Is this the mindset that you want for yourself and for your children?



If we always think the same thing, we’re creating a...

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Stop minimising yourself to make others feel better

Dance like nobody's watching!


You are the role model for your children. Think about that for a minute. Are you minimising yourself to make others feel better? Are you hiding your light? Are you being authentic and true to yourself, and honest with yourself about what you want?  You get to inspire your child by being true to yourself and living to your fullest expression, every day, and I’m here to help you make the most of it.  You have one shot to raise a child, you don’t get a second chance. This is it. Before age 7 your children are developing a lens of how they see the world that they’ll use to run the rest of their lives on a 95% unconscious basis.



Be honest with yourself about what you want


Therefore, because 95% of your behaviour right now is happening on that unconscious basis, the majority of your parenting is just somebody else’s story that you have chosen to accept as fact, and that is now just playing...

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The courage to change your life

In this space we talk about mental health and emotional health, we talk about raising wholehearted children, we talk about the courage to change your life. I want to talk about the opportunity and the responsibility that you have as an adult, and as a parent, to shape your child’s mind, and to show them by your actions how to get courage and confidence. If any of you know any about the work that I do, I'm on a mission to impact a generation of children to live to their full potential, to become wholehearted, to help them have a childhood that perhaps they don't have to recover from as so many of us have to do as adults.  



How to change your life

The way I do that is a unique approach, so most of the work that I do is on the personal transformation and the undoing of the adult’s thought processes because when we change the way we think, we change the way we feel and that changes the way we behave. Then what I do is use increased attachment and...

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What is self love?

Emotional wellness is vital

Self love practices; everyone talks about self love, self esteem, self worth, self acceptance, emotional wellbeing, filling your cup. You know these things, but are you doing them? Are you meditating, dancing, journaling, writing, painting, singing, performing, creating, being in nature, spending adult time with friends? Are you doing any of the things that light you up and feed your soul?




Learning to love yourself more

No one is coming to save you, nobody’s going to do this for you. If you’ve reached this point in your life and think there has to be a better way, there is! And it comes from ways of thinking and ways of feeling. Compassion for others require compassion for self, especially as mothers. Compassion for yourself, self acceptance, self love. When you’ve filled your cup and are taking care of your health and wellbeing; eaten good food, not drunk two bottles of wine. When you’re getting enough...

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Confidence is knowing mistakes are part of the learning process

Do you have low self esteem based on fear of failure?

Want to know how to boost your child’s confidence? Show them that failure and making mistakes are just a part of the learning process, and you will build their self esteem. In my programs for building confidence in children through music, I talk a lot about building confidence through being the model not the mirror. The aim is not to reflect back but to stand in our values and model the example to our children. See this as a challenge in your life and your parenting, you can and you will rise to it!



Building confidence

When Freddie Mercury sang ‘We Are The Champions’ he was saying in front of the whole world what he wanted. And nothing anyone ever created or achieved was gained without failure, perseverance, self-belief and by getting up each time you fall, and going again. Will you make mistakes? Yes. Will you fail big time? Yes.

The key is to find the gold in your...

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Is fear stopping you?


Fear of failure is what stops us every time; fear of stepping into your genius, fear that you won't be enough, and that's what it usually comes down to each and every time. 


What would you do if you weren't afraid, or if you felt the fear and did it anyway? What would you do differently if you were living in your fullest expression, and how different would your life look like if you were?

The "Raise a Tiger" Programme

Teaching wellbeing and confidence to parents and children aged 2-7 years, through music and FUN!  No musical experience necessary.

Join NOW  - Places Are Limited

"It's literally the best thing I have ever done with my child!"  - Jordana Matsuda - Early Childhood Educator

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It's All Inside!


Of all the things you want for your children, happiness and confidence are always at the top of the list you tell me you wish for.

Enjoy this video from the archive! [12min watch, perfect with a cuppa].

As parents and early educators we have an amazing opportunity to guide the beliefs that children hold about themselves, that are formed on a 95% unconscious basis before the age of seven.

Parenting isn’t about mastering your child, it’s about mastering your mind. You don’t have a behaviour problem, you have a thinking problem…because we cannot control anybody else but ourselves. We’re in a relationSHIP, and the way that you change your ship is to change yourself.

Personal freedom involves doing things differently, thinking differently, feeling differently. Personal freedom takes courage. And it starts with changing your thinking. Everything starts with the inner work. Personal freedom starts by taking the journey within.

What cage are you...

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